TV Serie The Clone

The meeting of a man with his image 20 years younger. This is the plot of O Clone. In the beggining of the story Lucas is a happy adolescent, romantic, full of projects, and he's in love ...

Country Brazil
Director Teresa Lampréia, Jayme Monjardim, Mário Márcio Bandarra, Marcos Schechtman, Marcelo Travesso
Casting Murilo Benício, Giovanna Antonelli, Vera Fischer, Reginaldo Faria, Neuza Borges, Jandira Martini, Letícia Sabatella, Juca de Oliveira, Stênio Garcia, Daniela Escobar, Adriana Lessa, Marcello Novaes, Marcos Frota, Beth Goulart, Cissa Guimarães
Genre Sci-Fi, Romance

