Disney Channel series inspired by real life EMT squads staffed by high school students. It follows the adventures of four high school students who volunteer part-time as EMTs so they work ...
Year | 2000 |
Country |
Canada, USA |
Director |
Don McBrearty, Stacey Stewart Curtis, Don McCutcheon, Carl Goldstein, Shawn Levy, Ron Murphy, Stefan Scaini, Steve DiMarco, James Marshall, Larry A. McLean |
Casting |
Shawn Ashmore, Reagan Pasternak, Danso Gordon, Christopher Ralph, Lauren Collins, Jackie Rosenbaum, Goldy Notay, Kevin Hicks, Lori Hallier, Nicole Hardy, Noah Reid, William Greenblatt, Ashley Leggat, Marina Palmier, David McIlwraith |
Genre |
Drama |