In an Australian version of Tales Of The Unexpected, Bryan Brown introduces stories of the bizarre and the supernatural. Sometimes serious, often comical, but always with a twist at the end...
Year | 1996 |
Country |
Australia |
Director |
David Caesar, Christopher Robin Collins, Kate Dennis, Lewis Fitz-Gerald, Ian Gilmour, Lynn Hegarty, Gregor Jordan, Daniel Krige, Samantha Lang, Catherine Millar, Michael Offer, Stephen Wallace |
Casting |
Bryan Brown, Brittany Byrnes, Kimberley Davies, Nadine Garner, Russell Kiefel, Judy Morris, Richard Roxburgh, Geoffrey Rush, Dee Smart, Bruce Spence, Rachel Ward, David Webb, Shane Briant, Josephine Byrnes, Justine Clarke |
Genre |
Comedy, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller |