
Movie Death at a Funeral

A funeral ceremony turns into a debacle of exposed family secrets and misplaced bodies.

Country USA
Director Neil LaBute
Casting Keith David, Loretta Devine, Peter Dinklage, Ron Glass, Danny Glover, Regina Hall, Kevin Hart, Martin Lawrence, James Marsden, Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, Zoe Saldana, Columbus Short, Luke Wilson, Regine Nehy
Genre Comedy

Dialogue from movie Play all the movie's dialogues

You can't bring him back
Death at a Funeral
What you are doing next weekend?
Death at a Funeral
It will make you feel better
Death at a Funeral
I wanna to show you some photos
Death at a Funeral
Exciting, isn't it?
Death at a Funeral
Do you recognise him?
Death at a Funeral
Conversation near the coffin
Death at a Funeral
Are you okay?
Death at a Funeral

