
Movie Love Potion No. 9

Tate Donovan, a geek biochemist with no luck at all with women, is persuaded by his friends to visit a gypsy, Madame Ruth. She gives him "Love Potion No. 8", an elixir which can potentially...

Country USA
Director Dale Launer
Casting Tate Donovan, Sandra Bullock, Mary Mara, Dale Midkiff, Hillary B. Smith, Anne Bancroft, Dylan Baker, Blake Clark, Bruce McCarty, Rebecca Staab, Adrian Paul, Ric Reitz, Steven Burnett, Jordan Baker, Ken Strong
Genre Comedy, Fantasy, Romance

Dialogue from movie Play all the movie's dialogues

Prudent and responsible
Love Potion No. 9
There are no women here
Love Potion No. 9

